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We’re heartbroken over the fire that has displaced so many local business owners in Southwest Hoboken. These businesses have been hit hard first by COVID-19, and now many with no home and no source of revenue right before the holiday season.
We are glad to re-start the Hoboken Relief Fund, to collect money to benefit these affected business owners to help them at a time they need it the most. We encourage Hoboken residents who can afford to do so, to donate to this fund, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, 100% of which will be provided to the affected businesses.
Thank you to Mayor Bhalla and Councilman Ramos for reaching out about re-starting the fund and to all of the residents for their consideration of any funding amount.
Hoboken Relief Fund Update #7 (as of February 18, 2021):
Thanks to so many generous supporters of the Hoboken Relief Fund, to date we have received approximately $415,000 in donations to help support our local businesses and neighbors who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19. We processed approximately 165 small business and individual applications, and we have issued 88 grants, eclipsing $405,000.
Due to the generosity of our Board Members covering overhead costs and expenses, 100% of donations are given to local businesses and residents in need. Click below to read our full report on the distribution of funds and how your donations have helped your Hoboken community.

Please check back here, or follow us on social media, for updates on upcoming programs and grants.

Small Business
Please check back here, or follow us on social media, for updates on upcoming programs and grants.